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education kits中文是什么意思

用"education kits"造句"education kits"怎么读"education kits" in a sentence


  • 整套教育材料


  • Education kit - toy safety
  • He announced the " one district one station " project and the preparation of an education kit on climate change
  • Over 100 information pamphlets , education kits , posters , slide packs , booklets and films have been produced over the past 15 years
  • As the first environmental resource centre , it includes an interactive lecture room , library databank , information gallery , environmental garden and a loan service for education kits
  • Publications , videos , education kits and publicity materials on the basic law of hksar issued by the government , professional bodies , academic institutions , community organizations , and commercial institutes , etc
  • Publications , videos , education kits and publicity materials on the basic law of hksar issued by the government , professional bodies , academic institutions , community organizations , and commercial institutes , etc
  • An education kit will be drafted for discussion at high school about the role of hong kong investment in the global trade and the sufferings of workers and environmental devastation caused by hong kong investment
  • To create a “ the gifted education kit ” and a “ the bilingual website of the gifted education ” to help the teachers and parents of mainstream pre - school institutions and primary schools to identify gifted students as early as possible , so that they get referrals for suitable services
    创制资优锦囊套和资优双语(中英)网页,以鼓励主流学前及小学教师和家长们识别资优学童的特徵,达至尽早发现、 ?别及转介各类资优生获得适当的服务。
用"education kits"造句  
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